Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Once Upon a Time...

Los dejo con otra conversacion X entre Hefner & Pink Devil:

Pink Devil(6/27/2008 10:31:46 AM): Hola Sol! workin?

Hefner (6/27/2008 10:38:37 AM): hola yea chasing ghosts managemnt is clueless and gives me crap i cant do,, i know, i know, your thinking thats impossible because you can do anything, whichis true, but im held back by policies

Wow... Que modesto, el puede con todo! Ya van varios dias y Hefner sigue con el coraje de TENER que ir al trabajo! Ademas sus superiores son unos idiotas por no darse que cuenta de que el es un genio... tiene problemas de autoestima y yo le sigo la onda. I'm such a trooper!

Pink Devil(6/27/2008 10:41:17 AM): well part of the problem is that ur highly capable and others tend to depend on you of course you can do anything mr space voyager...

Hefner (6/27/2008 10:42:03 AM): true dat baby so how is your day going?

Aqui mi Hefner fluia... conversaba... sus hormonas todavia no entraban en accion a full. En si me decia BABY, era dulce y yo era feliz :P Viviendo mi fantasia con mi amor platonico Hefner.

Pink Devil(6/27/2008 10:45:47 AM): how was yesterday? did u enjoy yourself mucho mucho? (Ustedes no estan para saberlo pero en el sushi estuvo su ex bimbo puticompa... despues se las presento)

Hefner (6/27/2008 10:46:19 AM): yesterday was boring.... i sat around for 3 hours and did nothing did you get my pic of me at the powerplant with my hard hat on? hahah

Pink Devil(6/27/2008 10:46:51 AM): oh yes jajajaj but I meant evening. you make that hard hat look like a million dollars jajajaj rock the hard hat... u yeah!

Hefner (6/27/2008 10:48:42 AM): lol, dinner was good, got to see a friend one last time before he moves back home to Guam hes a new friend , so havent known him that long,,only since about January well, the only reason he is going is because his child is there well, so far my two lil tasks are now not happening.. one i gave to another person and the second went back to the design team , haha

TRADUCCION: Sali a socializar conotros humanos casi en contra de mi voluntad y de paso vi a un wey que acabo de conocer y me viene a valer madre si se queda o se va, digo tiene un hijo no? Lo mejor que puede ir a hacer es criarlo. Y regresando a mi vida miserable encontre la forma de continuar haciendome pendejo delegandole MI trabajo a otros weyes.

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