Wednesday, August 27, 2008

De Vampiros, Vinos y Calenturas

Awww Hefner ya no debe tomar tanto! A sus 37 años el alcohol afecta mas que cuando tenemos 26 :)! Hefy andaba crudo, me bateo y se puso horny! Leanle leanle:

Hefner (6/30/2008 10:08:42 AM): im so hung over, ugh

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 10:21:14 AM): Hola!! Buenos dias! awww chiquito Did u at least have a good time? (CABRON! Pero para que bueno a ver si asi se te quita andar de pedo)

Hefner (6/30/2008 10:21:41 AM): had a great time, paying for it now i need sleep how is yru day going/

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 10:26:24 AM): well... pretty good I was up very late last night making the dummie for a magazine

Hefner (6/30/2008 10:26:37 AM): good to hear explain.

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 10:26:58 AM): There is an investor interested in starting a magazine and he asked my friend and I to be the editors & to create the layout for the magazine si yesterday we were brainstorming till 2 am for sections etc etc and I have to present it to him today I like having something to do

Hefner (6/30/2008 10:27:32 AM): ahh, very cool busy busy you are

Sinceramente... me encanta que se crea mi vida fabulosa, digo Tapioca y yo si estuvimos hasta las altas horas de la madrugada echandole seso a lo de la revista (que no se ha hecho, pinche inversionista con deficit de atencion pero ese es otro blog!) si supiera bajo las condiciones que se realizo esto... lejos de ser glamurosa!

Hefner (6/30/2008 10:27:59 AM): me too, but right now i just want to do my bed (Y yo contigo papito)

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 10:28:08 AM): awwwwww Well... im rarely hung over, I dont rmember when the last time was but hmmm in Mx we eat something spicy and two 800mg ibuprofen and that should really help Im such a great nurse jajajaj

Eso es una VIL MENTIRA, CLARO QUE TOMO... en si Tapioca y Mi Conciencia les pueden confirmar que yo en este preciso instante sufro de quemaduras de 1er grado en mi divino rostro debido a que me quede profundamente dormida ya que fui victima de un trago FINISIMO: Clight de Sandia, Agua y media botella de Vodka pa mi solita... Y a parte me drogo con Iboprufeno en altas dosis... un ejemplo para la humanidad

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 10:33:53 AM): cant u just say ur sick and leave?

Hefner (6/30/2008 10:34:23 AM): yea, but contractor, i will lose the pay would rather sit here for at least a few hours and then sneak out

Eres pobre? Quien nos va a mantener cuando nos casemos? resulta que en uno de esos muchos instantes de tiempo libre fui con Mi Conciencia a Borders (Nota para Mi Concicencia: Algun dia encontraras a tu sadico del 26) a buscar un libro bien educativo... THE SECRET LANGUANGE OF RELATIONSHIPS utttttttts, ahi con la tablita que tiene el libro buscas el cumple de tu "amor" y el tuyo para ver en que area de la vida son compatibles y Hefner y yo tenemos madera para casarnos! Es bueno saber que mis fundamentos son solidos!

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 12:34:54 PM): question... the other day when we were txting about darth vader, the dark side I asked if u would join me on my venture to the dark side u replied something like "was that an invitation" I said yes and u asked when & where...i said 3 wks... I need to clarify does that mean we are meeting in 3 wks?

Hefner (6/30/2008 12:37:05 PM): not sure are we going to the darkside?

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 12:37:23 PM): which is?

Hefner (6/30/2008 12:38:40 PM): no idea i took it as a silly conversation but we can meet if you like

Y despues de 3 minutotes... le conteste, es que necesitaba desencabronarme poquito para contestar segun yo bien "cool"!

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 12:41:44 PM): back ahh no pressure... I didnt know what it meant either thats why I asked I think it would be cool if we eventually meet but it doesnt have to be in 3 weeks or it can be whatever

Hefner (6/30/2008 12:42:45 PM): i agree

Snif... me bateo horrible! Habiamos tenido una conversacion por Txt message donde parecia que nos ibamos a conocer... pero como de costumbre se hizo pendejo y yo me ENCABRONE tuve que recurrir a Mi Conciencia, a Tapioca y a mi Sacrosanta Madre para ver si ellas podian hacerme entrar en razon o darme una esperanza.

Hefner (6/30/2008 1:28:25 PM): i need a nap

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 1:28:37 PM): and a scalp rub jajaja (Cortesia de P. Devil)

Hefner (6/30/2008 1:29:08 PM): yes im literally falling asleep sitting here

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 2:22:45 PM): I wanna finish my pending work so I can go I am on off mode right now, someone or something sucked my energy

Hefner (6/30/2008 2:23:35 PM): lol sorry doll for sucking your energy

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 2:25:08 PM): were u the vampire?

Hefner (6/30/2008 2:25:23 PM): not me

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 2:25:37 PM): Yeah, you would have to be too good of a vampire to suck my energy all the way from wherever u are (Ni creas que te voy a engrandecer mas de lo que ya lo he hecho!)

Hefner (6/30/2008 2:26:36 PM): haha true

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 2:27:23 PM): if u could be any type of underworld creature what would u be?

Hefner (6/30/2008 2:27:47 PM): vampire, one that can walk in day need my tan how bout you?

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 2:28:26 PM): I have to say Vampirella a sultry one. An enchantress vampirella. someone that seduces without having to try

Hefner (6/30/2008 2:28:37 PM): delicious. would you seduce me with your temptress ways?

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 2:30:00 PM): my pleasure

Hefner (6/30/2008 2:31:17 PM): would you bite and turn me in to a vampire?

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 2:31:52 PM): yes, but I would make sure you can go tan
cus I would still have a heart jajajaj even though I would be a vampirella and I would be able to turn into a panther not a bat

Hefner (6/30/2008 2:33:49 PM): no bat.. i want to turn into a eagle and dolphin

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 2:34:01 PM): awww Hefner, ur to sweet to be a Vampire
im sorry but I would seduce you but not bite you jajajaja

Hefner (6/30/2008 2:34:37 PM): make me your sex slave?

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 2:34:47 PM): hmmmmmmmmmm secrets cant be told

Hefner (6/30/2008 2:35:17 PM): lol yes oh yea u gonna play wiht me first before you have your way with me, hahah,, sorrry couldnt resist

Pink Devil (6/30/2008 2:37:43 PM): jaajjajaajajjaajaj One trys to be decent
lady here and now I have a sex slave that is played with before he is used to fulfill earthly desires I think
ur delirious... please feed the man

En teoria la calenturienta soy yo y el no mas se deja querer... y asi me gusta ;)! Ojala tome mas seguido... aflora su linda personalidad jeje

1 comment:

Tapioca said...

James no era tu compita, no te hagas, era tu comadre!